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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kiwi adventures

This is a photo of a valley up a river somewhere in Taranaki in New Zealand.

I am out here taking photos and doing some filming.

Equipment list below:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Entry to DigitalRev TV Contest

This is my entry in to DigitalRev TV's fan contest.

Emma describes the contents of my camera bag.  Then she walk around the streets of Vancouver and does some street photography.

This was a fun short side project that didn't take long to make.  There was no script, and it was a run and gun shoot project with limited time and no crew.  Which is part of the appeal, and contributes to the look of the video.  Taking an afternoon off to do small projects like this really mixes things up.
Watch the followup instructional video, How to Clean your Camera Lens: HERE!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mexican Adventures Part V: Calakmul, and Preview of the Film

Preview video for the film

This is the last entry in the Mexican Adventures series.  See the previous entries here:

First Episode: Mexican Adventures Part I: Introduction
Second Episode: Mexican Adventures Part II: Road Travel
Third Episode: Mexican Adventures Part III: Pazahol
Fourth Episode: Mexican Adventures Part IV: Sorgal

See the other pictures from this trip at my Flickr site!

This is day 15.

For this day, we visited Calakmul, a site of mayan ruins and a tourist attraction.  Afterwards, we headed out to Balam-ku.  We stopped along the way to capture footage and photos of Animals.