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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mexican Adventures Part IV: Sorgal

First Episode: Mexican Adventures Part I: Introduction
Second Episode: Mexican Adventures Part II: Road Travel
Third Episode: Mexican Adventures Part III: Pazahol

See the other pictures from this trip at my Flickr site!

Day 11:
February 2, 2011

Sorgal is this bush area with hills, trees, and a watch tower.  It used to be for hunters, but now it's used pretty much exclusively for bird watching.  You can also get a nice view of the area and the horizon over the jungle.

I'm not a bird watcher, and these pictures were taken with a canon 7d, 70-200mm 2.8L IS II with 2x extender.  The canon 7D with the aps-c sensor gives me extra reach, and I got a 2x extender specifically for this project.  Keep in mind I usually do urban work, so 70-200 on an aps-c gives me all the reach I'll ever need.  But being stuck in a watch tower, I couldn't really get closer to the birds.  I took a hit on the image quality but it came out okay.

Day 12:
February 3, 2011

Went back to the Sorgal the next day to get more pictures.

The bird caught some sort of... bug.

flock of parakeets.

Day 13:
February 4, 2011

We had to go back to town to get some paper work done.  Campeche city, the thought of going back to a city really boosted my morale.  Having lights, bed, and not being in a jungle definitely made me feel better.  I already felt less sick, and by the next day I pretty much felt fully recovered.

Got stopped at the bridge, president giving some speech.

We got to drive by the beaches, which are quite nice.
There are a lot of stray dogs, this one was pretty much wild.

Day 14:

Came back to the ranch late at night.  There are military check points into and out of every city, and they will randomly search vehicles driving by.  In my case they would ask questions since I'm an obvious foreigner.  I don't speak and Spanish so it made things especially awkward (with army guys with guns gesturing at me).  I definitely didn't want to be one of those Canadians imprisoned in Mexico.  Apparently they catch a lot of Canadians carrying drugs.

First Episode: Mexican Adventures Part I: Introduction
Second Episode: Mexican Adventures Part II: Road Travel
Third Episode: Mexican Adventures Part III: Pazahol

See the other pictures from this trip at my Flickr site!

Come back later for more entries and photos!

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